At Northpointe Dental, we are dedicated to enhancing both the function and aesthetics of your smile through advanced dental procedures. Crown lengthening is one of the specialized services we offer, designed to reshape the gum line and expose more of the tooth’s surface for restorative or cosmetic purposes. This procedure can be a pivotal part of achieving a balanced, harmonious smile and ensuring the long-term success of dental restorations.

Mastering Your Smile With Crown Lengthening

Crown lengthening involves carefully reshaping the gum tissue, and sometimes the underlying bone, to expose more of a tooth’s structure. Ideal for patients with a “gummy” smile or those in need of a restoration that requires more of the tooth to be exposed, crown lengthening is performed with precision and care. By adjusting the gum line, we can enhance the appearance of your smile and create a more solid foundation for crowns or other restorative treatments.

The Crown Lengthening Process

The journey to a more proportionate smile through crown lengthening is straightforward and meticulously planned:

  1. Initial Consultation: Our dentist will begin with a thorough examination of your oral health and discussion about your aesthetic goals, ensuring crown lengthening is suited to your needs.
  2. Treatment Planning: We tailor a treatment plan that outlines the specific areas of your gum and bone that will be adjusted to achieve the desired outcome.
  3. Procedure: Under local anesthesia, the gum tissue (and bone, if necessary) around the targeted teeth is carefully reshaped to expose more of the tooth structure.
  4. Recovery: We provide comprehensive aftercare instructions to ensure a smooth healing process, setting the stage for further restorative or cosmetic treatments if needed.

The Advantages of Crown Lengthening

  • Enhances the aesthetic balance of your smile by correcting a “gummy” appearance.
  • Increases the available tooth structure for improved restoration fitting.
  • Helps in preventing and treating tooth decay and gum disease beneath the gum line.
  • Offers a long-term solution for the aesthetic and functional improvement of your teeth.

Elevate Your Smile Aesthetics

Call us today at 740-454-6644 to schedule your appointment with Dr. Brian Waggle today to discover how crown lengthening in Zanesville, Ohio, can transform your smile and boost your confidence. With our focus on precision and patient care, we are here to guide you through every step of the process.